[EN] European cities gather in Milan to fostering cultivated biodiversity through local food Policies
Milan (Italy), 17th September 2024
(PRESS RELEASE For immediate release)
Ahead of the EU Organic Day (23 September), representatives from five European cities and LiveSeeding project partners will gather in Milan to share experiences and discuss how local authorities and communities can foster cultivated biodiversity through urban food policies and consumer actions.
On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, the city of Milan will host a crucial event focused on integrating cultivated biodiversity into local food policies. This event, part of the LiveSeeding project and with the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), aims to raise awareness and promote the implementation of agroecological and organic local food systems at the local level. Local authorities can be drivers of change toward sustainable food systems, both through public purchasing and by engaging their citizens as consumers who play an active role in this transition.
On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Milan will host a significant event focused on integrating cultivated biodiversity into local food policies. This event, part of the LiveSeeding project, aims to raise awareness and promote the implementation of agroecological and organic local food systems.
The event, titled «Fostering Cultivated Biodiversity through Local Food Policies,» will bring together representatives from cities such as Granollers (Spain), Milan (Italy), Rennes (France), Geneva (Switzerland), and Scandicci (Italy), as well as representatives from FAO, the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), and RUAF-Urban Agriculture and Food Systems.
Works will be introduced by Mariano Iossa, LiveSeeding coordinator, with key speakers including María Carrascosa from the Network of Municipalities for Agroecology (RMAe), and representatives from Milan and FAO. “This meeting is a critical opportunity to exchange knowledge and drive real change at the local level,” said Iossa. “Local food systems can lead the way in protecting biodiversity while ensuring sustainable practices for future generations.”
The Milan meeting serves as a key stepping stone towards the European Symposium on Cultivated Biodiversity and Municipal Policy, which will take place in Granollers (Barcelona) in spring 2025. More than 150 delegates from local authorities, European networks, research centres, and other key actors in agroecology and sustainable food systems are expected to attend. “We are looking forward to continuing this important work at the symposium in Granollers, where we will further explore how cultivated biodiversity can strengthen local food systems across Europe,” said María Carrascosa.
As part of the LiveSeeding project, key events are lined up to continue driving momentum. A dedicated session will be held during the Annual Meeting of the Network of Municipalities for Agroecology (RMAe) in October 2024, followed by a training webinar in January 2025. The process will culminate in the EU Symposium on Cultivated Biodiversity in Granollers in spring 2025.
“This meeting is part of a broader process,” said María Carrascosa. “We are building momentum, gathering ideas, and gaining support for the Granollers conference in 2025. We are excited to see the growing interest in fostering cultivated biodiversity at the local level, and we’ll continue to push forward with our efforts throughout the next year.”
These initiatives reinforce the commitment of European municipalities to creating more sustainable and resilient food systems, highlighting the importance of cultivated biodiversity at the local level.
Notes to editors:
LiveSeeding is a 4-year Innovation Action on organic seed and plant breeding to accelerate sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe, which started in October 2022. LiveSeeding provides science-based evidence and best practice solutions to help achieve 100 % organic seed. The project has a budget of 6.6 million Euro, funded by the European Union, the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). To deliver on such an ambitious goal, LiveSeeding brings together 37 organisations from a wide range of sectors operating in 16 European countries.
The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) is an international agreement among cities aiming to develop sustainable food systems that are inclusive, resilient, safe, and diverse. The pact supports the right to adequate food for all and leverages local governments’ capacity to create food policies that promote sustainable development.